RO Pentru petrecerea de Craciun de la birou am purtat ceva de ultim moment, o rochie de la Zara pe care am luat-o din Tenerife, asta dupa ce probasem multe rochii si aproape ca ma hotarasem ce tinuta aveam sa port. Pana la urma totusi cred ca rochia a fost o decizie mai buna, mai ales ca nu eram hotarata ce pantofi sa port la tinuta initiala. E ciudat cu sub presiunea timpului reusim sa luam cele mai rapide si probabil cele mai bune decizii. Era ora 17 cand am aterizat pe aeroport., intoarsa din vacanta si la 18 incepea petrecerea, in 2 ore am reusit sa ajung de la aeroport, sa fac dus, sa ma machiez si sa ma coafez si sa ma decid si asupra tinutei.
Acum am o alta dilema….cu ce ma imbrac de Revelion? Sa aleg tinuta pe care o pregatisem pentru petrecerea de Craciun sau sa aleg tot asa la repezeala o tinuta noua?
Va las totusi ca inspiratie cateva tinute purtate in vacanta la cina, poate voi alege totusi una dintre ele. Care credeti ca este cea mai potrivita pentru petrecerea dintre ani?
For the Christmas party at the office I wore something last minute, a dress from Zara that I bought in Tenerife, this after I had tried on many dresses and had almost decided what outfit I was going to wear. In the end, I still think that the dress was a better decision, especially since I wasn’t sure what shoes to wear with the initial outfit. It’s strange that under the pressure of time, we manage to make the fastest and probably the best decisions. It was 5 pm when I landed at the airport, back from vacation, and at 6 pm the party started, in 2 hours I managed to get from the airport, take a shower, do my makeup and hair, and decide on my outfit.
Now I have another dilemma….what should I wear on New Year’s Eve? Should I choose the outfit that I had prepared for the Christmas party or should I just pick a new outfit on the spur of the moment?
However, I will leave you some outfits worn on vacation for dinner as inspiration, maybe I will still choose one of them. Which do you think is the most suitable for the party between years?