RO Astazi va prezint o rochie versatila ce poate fi purtata in multe moduri in functie de inspiratie si anotimp. Este vorba despre o rochie Michael Kors pe care o port mereu cu placere si care, cu accesoriile potrivite, poate fi purtata chiar si la birou.
In prima varianta, cu pantofi, am purtat-o vara la sfarsit de Iunie iar a doua varianta am purtat-o de curand la final de Septembrie.
Eu o prefer cu pantofi cu toc pentru ca se stie ca imi plac tinutele elegante insa si cu geaca de denim si adidasi arata foarte bine.
Daca ar fi sa comparam din punctul de vedere al comoditatii, tinuta cu adidasi iese castigatoare, mai ales cu acesti adidasi New Balance de care sunt pur si simplu indragostita. Parca plutesc in ei, sunt atat de usori si confortabili incat trebuie sa ii integrez in cat mai multe tinute.
Voi ce parere aveti? Care varianta va place mai mult?
EN Today I present to you a versatile dress that can be worn in many ways depending on the inspiration and the season. It is about a Michael Kors dress that I always wear with pleasure and which, with the right accessories, can be worn even to the office.
In the first version, with shoes, I wore it in the summer at the end of June and the second version I wore it recently at the end of September.
I prefer it with heels because it is known that I like elegant outfits, but it also looks very good with a denim jacket and sneakers.
If we were to compare from the point of view of convenience, the outfit with sneakers comes out the winner, especially with these New Balance sneakers that I am simply in love with. It’s like I’m floating in them, they’re so light and comfortable that I have to integrate them into as many outfits as possible.
What do you think? Which version do you like more?