RO-Prima tinuta a anului a fost fotografiata in ianuarie si o public in Februarie :)) Ma misc repede anul asta…ce sa zic. Pentru ca de Revelion am purtat o rochie super scurta pe care nu o mai purtasem de o mie de ani (10 mai exact), m-a inspirat sa fac aceasta tinuta cu fusta pantalon din piele si blanita pufoasa de la ZARA. Cizmele cred ca vor ajunge in curand la gunoi pentru ca dupa o luna de purtare deja s-au cojit cu toate ca le-am luat de la Michael Kors si teoretic ar fi trebuit sa fie de buna calitate. Asadar o tinuta all black purtata intr-o duminica la biserica :)) dar asta e deja alt subiect pe care nu sunt sigura ca vreau sa il dezbat aici.
EN-The first outfit of the year was photographed in January and I’ll publish it in February :)) I’m moving fast this year…what can I say.
Because on New Year’s Eve I wore a super short dress that I hadn’t worn in a thousand years (10 to be exact), it inspired me to make this outfit with a leather pant skirt and a fluffy fur coat from ZARA. I think the boots will soon end up in the trash because after a month of wearing they’ve already peeled off even though I got them from Michael Kors and theoretically they should have been of good quality.
So an all black outfit worn on a Sunday to church :)) but that’s already another topic that I’m not sure I want to discuss here.
Sweater-Patrizia Pepe
Boots-Michael Kors
Bag-Michael Kors