RO Este timpul sa las adidasii si sa revin la tocuri pana nu uit de tot sa merg cu ele :)). Glumesc desigur, nu am cum sa uit pentru ca desi ultimele postari sunt cu adidasi, inca port tocuri destul de des.
Rochia aceasta am primit-o cadou de la o prietena draga si imi place foarte mult, in primul rand pentru ca nu se sifoneaza, sta exact asa indiferent ce faci, in plus are si o culoare vesela si lungimea este una perfecta. Am asortat-o cu pantofii roz de la Zara si cu geanta MK, de fapt prima mea geanta de la MK de acum 10 ani aproape. Cerceii sunt unii statement luati recent si din nefericire coafura nu a rezistat prea bine, a batut vantul in acea zi si oricum nu era o coafura rezistenta pentru ca am facut-o cu aparatul Dyson de coafat cu impact minim asupra parului. Apropo, v-ar interesa un review? Il folosesc deja de ceva timp si mi-am facut o parere in ceea ce priveste avantajele si dezavantajele.
ENG It’s time to leave the sneakers and go back to heels not to forget to walk with high heels :)). I’m joking of course, I can’t forget because even though the last posts are with sneakers, I still wear heels quite often.
I received this dress as a gift from a dear friend and I really like it, first of all, because it doesn’t wrinkle, it stays exactly that way no matter what you do, in addition, it has a cheerful color and the length is perfect. I matched it with the pink shoes from Zara and MK bag, actually, this is my first bag from MK bought almost 10 years ago. The earrings are statement ones bought recently from Romania and unfortunately, the hairstyle did not last very well, the wind was blowing that day and anyway it was not a resistant hairstyle because I did it with the Dyson styling machine with minimal impact on the hair.
By the way, would you be interested in a review? I have been using it for some time and I have made up my mind regarding the advantages and disadvantages.
Bag-Michael Kors
Imi place la nebunie combinatia! Iti vine perfect🤩
Multumesc! :*