RO Iata ca se apropie deja toamna si eu nu am reusit sa postez tinutele verii. Am facut iar o pauza neplanificata pe blog dar macar am reusit sa raman activa pe retelele de socializare asa ca poate ne-am regasit acolo. Tinuta aceasta am purtat-o la o zi de nastere insa as putea la fel de bine sa o iau la o iesire la restaurant. Pantofii de abia asteptam sa am ocazia sa ii port iar rochia am cumparat-o cu gandul la pantofi. Instinctiv, am purtat in vara asta mult albastru pentru ca mai apoi sa observ ca foarte multe magazine au aceasta culoare in vitrinele lor. Este o culoare pe care nu o aleg in mod normal dar rochia aceasta si pantofii mi-au placut foarte mult. Rochia este lejera, subliniaza silueta si banuiesc ca poate fi purtata si fara tocuri cu o jacheta de denim. Pantofii au un toc rezonabil si s-a dovedit a fi foarte comozi.
Acum selectez fotografiile din vacanta in Turcia si sper sa ma mobilizez si sa va arat cateva tinute de vacanta in postarea urmatoare.
Voi cum ati petrecut vara? Vi s-a parut la fel de scurta asa cum mi s-a parut si mie?
EN Autumn is alreadz approaching and I didn’t manage to post the summer outfits. I took another unplanned break on the blog, but ai least I managed to stay active on social networks, so maybe we found ourselves there. I wore this outfit to a birthday party, but I could just as well take it to a restaurant. I couldn’t wait to wear the shoes and I bought the dress with the shoes in mind. Instinctively, I wore a lot of blue this summer, only to notice that many stores have this color in their windows. It’s a color I don’t normally choose but I really liked the dress and shoes. The dress is very comfortable, emphasizes the figure and I guess it can be worn without heels with a denim jacket. The shoes have a reasonable heel and proved to be very comfortable.
Now I am selecting the photos from the holiday in Turkey and I hope to motivate myself and show you some holiday outfits in the next blog post.
How did you spent your summer? Did it seem as short to you as it did to me?
Shoes-Ashton Aubry
Bag-Michael Kors