EN Heeled shoes give a special elegance to any outfit, they make the leg more beautiful and the body more harmonious. However, to be able to walk with heels you either have to go by car or have very short distances. In addition, the heels get damaged while driving, I often prefer to take a change of shoes in the car so as not to damage the high heels.
So today I present an outfit that can be worn either with heels or with something more comfortable, a pair of sandals without a heel or even these black slippers. In the first outfit, I have a pair of snake print shoes with which I can’t actually walk long distances but they are very beautiful, to which I have matched a small bag with a golden snake, and in the second outfit light black slippers and a leopard print bag larger size gold.
I have had the blouse for many years, most likely 9-10 years, and the skirt is a recent discovery and I also got it in purple.
Do you usually still wear heels, or do you prefer only comfortable shoes?
RO Pantofii cu toc dau o eleganta deosebita oricarei tinute, fac piciorul mai frumos si trupul mai armonios. Insa, pentru a putea merge cu tocuri trebuie fie sa mergi cu masina, fie sa ai drumuri foarte scurte. In plus, tocurile se strica de la condus, de multe ori prefer sa imi iau incaltaminte de schimb in masina ca sa nu stric pantofii cu toc.
Asadar astazi ca prezint o tinuta care fi purtata fie cu tocuri, fie cu ceva mai comod, o pereche de sandale fara toc sau chiar acesti papuci negri. In prima tinuta am o pereche de pantofi snake print cu care efectiv nu pot merge pe distante lungi insa sunt foarte frumosi la care am asortat o geanta mica cu un fel de sarpe auriu incolacit, iar in a doua tinuta papuci negri lejeri si o geanta leopard print cu auriu de dimensiuni mai mari.
Bluza o am de foarte multi ani, cel mai probabil 9-10 ani iar fusta este o descoperire recenta si am luat-o si pe mov.
Voi mai purtati tocuri de obicei, sau preferati doar incaltamintea comoda?