RO Din pacate, ultima postare pe blog a fost in Februarie, asta insemnand ca l-am cam neglijat. Nu stiu cum e la voi, insa la mine timpul trece foarte repede. Nici nu stiu cand e zi si noapte ca totul se invarte cu o repeziciune uimitoare. Partea buna e ca ne apropiem de vara si de vremea frumoasa, partea mai putin buna e ca trece viata pe langa noi si parca nu apucam sa o savuram. Incerc totusi sa ies din cand in cand din rutina si sa ma bucur de familie, prieteni, locuri si gusturi noi. In materie de tinute nu prea am mai fost la cumparaturi in ultimul timp asa ca port ce am, minunata haina roz de la Zara pentru care inca ma opreste lumea pe strada sa ma intrebe de unde e, jeansii albi si culmea, puloverul din postarea anterioara din februarie. Ce-i drept tinuta a fost fotografiata in martie dar nu am apucat sa o public. Se potriveste totusi cu vremea de azi din Viena cand au fost 12 grade :)).
EN Unfortunately, the last post on the blog was in February, which means that I neglected it a bit. I don’t know about you, but for me time goes by very quickly. I don’t even know when it’s day or night because everything is moving with amazing speed. The good part is that we are getting closer to summer and the beautiful weather, the less good part is that life is passing us by and we don’t seem to get to enjoy it. I still try to get out of the routine from time to time and enjoy family, friends, places and new tastes. In terms of clothes, I haven’t really gone shopping lately, so I’m wearing what I have, the wonderful pink Zara coat for which people still stop me on the street to ask me where it’s from, the white jeans and the top, the sweater from the previous post from February. By the way, the outfit was photographed in March, but I didn’t have time to publish it. It still matches today’s weather in Vienna when it was 12 degrees :)).
Pullover- Patrizia Pepe
Bag- Michael Kors