RO Daca anul trecut, in Thasos, am avut tinutele de vacanta pregatite din timp, anul acesta am mizat pe eficienta, pentru ca in Mallorca am mers cu avionul si evident bagajul a fost limitat. Am stat si mai multe zile decat in Thasos si era practic imposibil sa iau 12 tinute pentru fiecare seara plus accesoriile asa ca am luat 3 fuste pantalon pe care le-am purtat si pe drumul spre plaja si seara in oras, iar in partea de sus am purtat mai mult bluze usoare fara maneci seara iar ziua purtam o camasa pe deasupra sa nu ma arda soarele. Am mai luat 3 rochii si o pereche de jeans in caz ca se racorea insa din contra, a fost foarte cald, intr-o singura seara a plouat dar si atunci parea mai degraba un dus cald decat o ploaie rece de vara.
Ca si incaltaminte, in afara de papucii de plaja, am avut o pereche de sandale, una de pantofi si una de adidasi. Iar genti am avut 3 mici dar dupa cum vedeti am purtat-o mai mult pe cea roz.
Nu sunt deloc bine organizata cand fac bagajul de vacanta, de obicei imi iau mai mult decat imi trebuie insa incerc de fiecare data sa port cel putin o data ceea ce imi iau ca sa nu am senzatia ca le-am carat cu mine degeaba.
Voi cum va organizati bagajul de vacanta?
If last year, in Thasos, I had the outfits for the holiday prepared ahead of time, this year I bet on efficiency because in Mallorca I went by plane and obviously the luggage was limited. I stayed more days than in Thasos and it was practically impossible to take 12 outfits for each evening plus the accessories, so I took 3 skirts, which I wore on the way to the beach and in the evening in the city, and on the top I wore more light sleeveless blouses in the evening and during the day I wore a shirt on top so that the sun wouldn’t burn me. I took 3 more dresses and a pair of jeans in case it got cold, but on the contrary, it was very hot, in one evening it rained, but even then it seemed more like a warm shower than a cold summer rain.
As for shoes, apart from beach slippers, I had a pair of sandals, one pair of shoes, and one pair of sneakers. As accessories I had 3 small bags, but as you can see, I wore the pink one pretty often.
I’m not at all well organized when I pack my vacation luggage, I usually take more than I need, but I always try to use what I take at least once so that I don’t have the feeling that I carried them with me for nothing.
How do you organize your holiday luggage?