EN I told you in the last post about the dress I ordered from Femme Luxe and that deserves a separate post.
I really liked the design of this dress suitable for events, since the events started this year, I think it would go well for a graduation party. I like the idea that in the back it has a reasonable length and in the front, it becomes sexy and sensual, it highlights the legs and the pleats at the waist emphasize it, and outlines the silhouette. The neckline is not deep and can be worn at any time with a bra, although I chose not to wear it :)).
I chose size M but considering that I have 1.73, the skirt is very short in front so I had to improvise and sew the top otherwise I could not have walk safely :))
On the site, you will find a multitude of such dresses and if you are not passionate about elegant outfits you can choose something from the category Women’s loungewear sets a multitude of casual products organized according to color, cardigans, or sweatshirts.
If you haven’t had the opportunity, you can see the previous post where I posted a casual outfit.
RO Va spuneam in postarea trecuta despre rochia pe care am comandat-o de la Femme Luxe si care merita o postarea separata.
Mi-a placut foarte mult designul acestei rochii potrivita pentru evenimente (pentru ca tot s-a dat startul evenimentelor anul acesta) cred ca ar merge purtata si la o petrecere de absolvire. Imi place ca in spate are o lungime rezonabila iar in fata devine sexy si senzuala, pune in evidenta picioarele iar pliurile de la nivelul taliei o subliniaza si avantajeaza silueta. Decolteul nu este adanc si poate fi purtata oricand cu un sutien desi eu am ales sa nu il pun :)).
Eu am ales marimea M dar avand in vedere ca am 1,73, fusta imi vine foarte scurta asa ca a trebuit sa improvizez si sa ii prind partea de sus altfel nu as fi putut merge in siguranta :))
Pe site gasiti o multitudine de asemenea rochii iar daca nu va pasioneaza tinutele elegante puteti alege ceva din categoria Women’s loungewear sets o multitudine de produse casual organizate in functie de culoare, compleuri cardigane sau hanorace. Daca nu ati avut ocazia puteti vedea postarea anterioara unde am postat o tinuta casual.