RO Imi plac hainele din piele, fie ca vorbim de rochii, pantaloni sau jachete. De obicei, se spune ca un obiect vestimentar de piele este sexy insa, mie, aceasta mi se pare cea mai cuminte rochie din lume…asta daca nu e purtata direct pe piele :)). Trebuie sa recunosc ca am taiat vreo 10 cm din lungime, mi se parea prea lunga deci era si mai cuminte inainte :)). Un singur lucru imi displace la ea: este intotdeauna mototolita. Am incercat sa o tin cat mai dreapta, o tin in dulap pe umeras insa tot sifonata este. Trecand peste acest detaliu imi place foarte mult si o vad purtata in multe combinatii. Astazi am ales o bluza eleganta si pantofi cu toculet minuscul :)). Prima data am vazut-o purtata la cineva cu o camasa alba si mi-a placut foarte mult cum se aseza.
Din fericire am avut ocazia de a o purta de cateva ori anul acesta, in Romania si chiar si in Viena, desi este vara, temperaturile variaza foarte mult, asa ca e tocmai buna pentru zilele racoroase.
Voi purtati haine de piele vara?
EN I like leather clothes whether we are talking about dresses, pants or jackets. It is usually said that a leather item of clothing is sexy, but to me, this seems to be the most serious dress in the world … of course, if it is not worn directly on the skin :)). I have to admit that I cut about 10 cm in length, it seemed too long so it was even more serious before :)). One thing I dislike about it: it’s always wrinkled. I tried to keep it as straight as possible, I keep it in the closet on the hanger but it is still wrinkled. Apart from this detail, I really like it and I see it worn in many successful combinations. Today I chose to wear it with an elegant blouse and shoes with tiny heels :)). The first time I saw it was on someone who was wearing it with a white shirt and I really liked how it looked.
Fortunately, I had the opportunity to wear it a few times this year, in Romania and even in Vienna, although is summer, the temperatures vary a lot, so it’s just right for cool days.
Do you wear leather clothes in summer?
Bag-Michael Kors