RO Ma puteti urmari pe Instagram AICI. Luna trecuta pe Intagram am postat foarte multe peisaje din locurile vizitate din Austria
In ianuarie a fost ziua mea e nastere si mi-am dorit sa fac o scurta excursie la Mondsee. Am fost foarte incantata sa descoper in peisaj de poveste cu multa zapada, munti si apa. La sfarsitul zilei am sarbatorit alaturi de sotul meu la restaurant.
EN You can follow me on Instagram HERE. The last month on the Instagram it was about travelling and discovering new beautiful places in Austria.
In January it was my birthday and I wanted to make a short trip outside Vienna at Mondsee. I was very pleased to find there a fairy-tale landscape with a lot of snow, mountains and water. At the end of the day I celebrate my birthday with my husband in a restaurant.
La sfarsitul lunii ianuarie am facut o scurta vizita in Romania si m-am distrat alaturi de nepotica mea, mai ales ca am avut si parte de putina zapada
At the end of January I was one week in Romania and I had a lot of fun with my niece since we had a little bit of snow as well.
Ca o noua provocare pentru anul 2019 m-am decis sa fac miscare mai des insa din pacate, dupa cateva saptamani a trebuit sa ma opresc din cauza unori dureri de spate insa intentionez sa reiau activitatea de indata ce durerea va disparea.
As a new challenge for 2019 I decided to make sport more often, sadly after few weeks I had to stop because of some back pain but I intend to continue once the pain is gone.
In timpul sederii mele in Bucuresti am vizitat Atelierul Define Studio de unde mi-am si cumparat cateva lucruri. Puteti vedea intreaga postare AICI.
During my stay in Bucharest I visited Define Studio and made some shopping there. You can find more picture of my visit HERE.
Joico Blonde Life-produse pe care le folosesc pentru a avea o nuanta frumoasa de bond.
Joico Blonde Life products that I use for my hair to have a nice shade of blonde.
Inapoi in Viena unde imi place sa mananc prajituri si sa beau cafea :))
Back to Vienna where I like to eat cake and drink coffee :))
Am vizitat Bratislava pentru o zi.
I had one day trip to Bratislava.
Am mai descoperit cateva locuri dragute in apropierea Vienei.
I discovered some new beautiful places near Vienna.
Bad Ischl se afla la o distanta de 2 ore jumatate-3 de Viena, un loc minunat de vizitat atat vara cat si iarna.
Bad Ischl at 2,5-3 hours drive from Vienna, a beautiful place to visit during winter of summer.