Astazi este o zi minunata in Viena si am decis sa port o rochie leopard print, trendul meu preferat in aceasta primavara. Nu este un secret pentru nimeni ca imi place animal printul…dintotdeauna, si daca va uitati pe tinutele mele de pe Chicisimo veti vedea multe tinute care includ elemente cu animal print, fie ca este vorba de rochii, fuste sau accesorii.
Revenind la tinuta de astazi, am luat aceasta rochie de la reduceri de la Zara si imi place la nebunie. Este foarte comoda si perfecta pentru vreme capricioasa pentru ca este facuta dintr-un material calduros.
Cizmele peste genunchi sunt o alta iubire mai veche, reprezinta alegerea perfecta pe vreme rece si imi place sa le port cat mai des pana va veni momentul sa le schimb cu pantofi atunci cand va veni vremea.
Jacheta de denim nu trebuie sa va lipseasca din garderoba de primavara si este o alegere buna pentru ca rochia are maneca scurta. O alta optiune buna ar fi fost o jacheta de piele dar am mai folosit-o in tinutele anterioare si evit sa ma repet, desi uneori mi se pune pata pe ceva si port acel lucru la infinit :))
Brosa cu pisica am asortat-o cu geanta cu urechi pentru a inviora putin tinuta. Cum vi se pare tinuta mea de astazi?
EN Today is a lovely day in Vienna and I decided to wear a leopard print dress, one of my favorite trends for this Spring. It’s not a big secret that I’m an animal print lover since…forever and if you check my outfits on Chicisimo, you will be able to see several outfits from the past with animal print items including skirts, dresses or accessories.
Coming back to today’s outfit, I got this dress on sales from Zara and I’m very excited about it and I love it very much. It is so comfortable and perfect for this moody weather since it is made from a fabric that it keeps you warm.
Over the knee boots are another love of mine for the cold weather and I like to wear them often until I will have to change it with a pair of shoes as the warm weather requires.
Denim jacket is a must have item for Spring and it is a good choice since the dress has short sleeves. Another good option is a leather jacket but I already use it in the previous outfit and I avoid repeating myself even though I sometimes get obsessed with items from my wardrobe :)).
Kitty brooch was matched with kitty bag and made the entire outfit more playful. How do you like my outfit?
Denim Jacket-Zara