RO Am sa continui sirul postarilor cu locuri frumoase de vizitat si de data aceasta va prezint un loc poate mai putin popular fata de celelalte insa la fel de maret si uimitor.
Ce-i drept intreaga Austrie este presarata cu castele mai mici sau mai mari si cu domenii intregi in jurul acestora.
Schlosspark Laxenburg se afla la aproximativ 15 km de Viena, in mica localitate Laxenburg reprezentand un loc de refugiu si relaxare pentru vienezi si turisti. Inca de cand pasesti in mica localitate te cuprinde o senzatie de liniste, de parca toata zarva orasului dispare si ajungi in orasul Gilmore Girls.
Recunosc ca am fost un pic sceptica la inceput, ma gandeam ca e un loc din ala supraevaluat si menit sa atraga turistii. Am lasat masina in parcare la intrarea pe domeniul castelului si am inceput sa exploram.
Pe tot parcursul parcului sunt harti menite sa ghideze turistul in imensul parc si de asemenea sunt foarte multe banci.
Biletul de intrare este de cativa euro iar un trenulet isi asteapta calatorii chiar de la poarta. Ne-am gandit ca nu este cazul sa ne urcam in el insa urmarindu-l cu privirea parca ne-am fi dorit sa fim acolo, in primul rand din cauza caldurii, cred ca din acelasi motiv nu era nimeni pe bancutele imaculate presarate in toata padurea.
In cateva minute ne apropiem de lac cu gandul sa ne plimbam cu barca insa abandonam repede ideea si ne continuam drumul spre castel.
La poarta castelului era un mic pod mobil care ne duce pe malul celalalt la castel. Aveam sa aflam mai tarziu, la intoarcere ca se putea ajunge si prin padure fara sa treci acel pod. In fine, intram, trecem printr-o curte interioara mica si ajungem pe malul lacului.
Aici la umbra copacilor erau foarte multe sezlonguri pe care te puteai odihni si te puteai bucura de privelistea lacului.
Trebuie sa recunosc, a fost locul perfect intr-o zi torida de vara. Dinspre lac venea o racoare placuta si parca intreg peisajul era creat pentru relaxare, ideal pentru un picnic in natura.
Dupa cateva ore, cu greu ne-am desprins din acel peisaj pentru a ne intoarce acasa.
A trebuit sa renuntam la plimbarea cu barca pentru ca deja se facuse coada si am lasat-o pentru data viitoare.
ENG Today I’m going to show you a place that is not that well known for the tourist but is equally amazing and great. In Austria a castle is not a rare thing, you can find a beautiful castle almost everywhere. Schlosspark Laxenburg is about 15 km from Vienna, in the small town of Laxenburg, a place of refuge and relaxation for Viennese and tourists. Ever since you’ve been walking in the little village, you’ll have a feeling of peace, as if the city’s rush disappears and you get to Gilmore Girls movie. I must admit that I was not that impressed at the beginning, I was considering it another not that interesting place meant to attract the tourists. We left the car in the parking lot at the entrance and we started exploring the place.
Throughout the park, there were maps designed to guide the tourist in the huge park and there are also many banks.
The entrance ticket is a few euros and a little train on wheels waited for the tourists right at the gate. We thought that is better to walk, but later we wanted to be there, first of all, because of the heat, I think for the same reason there was no one on the immaculate benches sprinkled in all the forest.
In a few minutes we approach the lake with the thought of taking a boat ride, but we quickly abandon the idea and continue our journey to the castle.
At the gate of the castle, there was a small mobile bridge that leads us to the other side of the castle. We would find out later on returning that we could reach the forest without crossing that bridge. Finally, we enter, pass through a small inner courtyard and reach the shore of the lake.
Here, in the shade of the trees, there were lots of sunbeds that you could rest and enjoy the lake view.
I have to admit, it was the perfect place on a hot summer day. There was a pleasant coolness behind the lake and the whole landscape was created for relaxation, ideal for a picnic in nature.
After a few hours, we barely decided to go away from that landscape to get home.
We decided to postpone the boat trip until next time.
Throughout the park, there were maps designed to guide the tourist in the huge park and there are also many banks.
The entrance ticket is a few euros and a little train on wheels waited for the tourists right at the gate. We thought that is better to walk, but later we wanted to be there, first of all, because of the heat, I think for the same reason there was no one on the immaculate benches sprinkled in all the forest.
In a few minutes we approach the lake with the thought of taking a boat ride, but we quickly abandon the idea and continue our journey to the castle.
At the gate of the castle, there was a small mobile bridge that leads us to the other side of the castle. We would find out later on returning that we could reach the forest without crossing that bridge. Finally, we enter, pass through a small inner courtyard and reach the shore of the lake.
Here, in the shade of the trees, there were lots of sunbeds that you could rest and enjoy the lake view.
I have to admit, it was the perfect place on a hot summer day. There was a pleasant coolness behind the lake and the whole landscape was created for relaxation, ideal for a picnic in nature.
After a few hours, we barely decided to go away from that landscape to get home.
We decided to postpone the boat trip until next time.
Ce minunate sunt locurile prin care ai trecut!! 😍 O să le rețin cu siguranță. Te pup!
Îmi place mult ținută, e perfecta pentru o zi de relaxare pe malul lacului.
Vai ce dor imi e de Viena! Abia astept sa merg iar (curand sper) si sa pot vizita mai multe chestii- si sa pot face si eu poze🤷🏼♀️💋
Ce zona frumoasa! De abia astept sa ajung in Austria.
Ce liniste, ce pace! Lipsa oamenilor mi se pare cel mai mare castig in locul acela minunat. La noi ar fi navalit cu mic, cu mare.
Ce locuri frumoase! Intr-o zi sper sa ajung si eu sa iti urmez pasii
Ce peisaj deosebit 😍❤️
minunate fotografii! mi+a placut plimbarea, am fost doar in trecere prin Viena si am viyitat doar o mica parte din oras!
Un loc mununat pentru relaxare și recreere!
Foarte util acest articol. Am trecut Viena pe must see list pentru primavara urmatoare. Abia astept!
ce loc superb! Cred si eu ca nu mai vroiai sa pleci, cum sa nu stai sa te relaxezi si sa admiri aceasta minunatie?
Eu doar prin Viena m-am invartit si am mai fost la Parndorf. Foarte util articolul tau. Am sa vizitez si eu imprejurimile
Ce frumos vibe ai transmis prin poze și cuvinte 😍😍😍 Un loc de vizitat pentru liniște și relaxare în natura 😉 Mulțumesc pentru recomandare.
Clar este un loc superb care merita vizitat…Monea Simona