Eterna “Little black dress” care ne salveaza din orice situatie, solutia de criza la care apelam atunci cand suntem in incurcatura. De obicei este rochia simpla neagra pe care o putem accesoriza usor si pe care o putem purta la diverse ocazii. Eu am gasit-o pe aceasta la Debenhams, atunci cand cautam o bluza simpla neagra pentru fusta de AICI. Am probat-o alaturi de mai multe lucruri pentru ca asa fac de fiecare data, parca nu imi vine sa ma dezbrac si sa ma imbrac doar pentru o bluza. :))
Imi place pentru ca este dreapta insa volanasele acelea mici ascund imperfectiunile corpului. Partea de sus ii da un plus de eleganta prin prezenta voalului transparent. Am ales-o sa o port cu pantofii galbeni de la Zara si cu o gentuta aurie. Apropo de gentuta, este foarte dragalas modelul insa nu pot pune mare lucru in ea si asta ma enerveaza la culme :))
“Little black dress” our savior in any situation. Usually is a simple black dress which we can easily accessorize and which we can wear it at various occasions. I found this one at Debenhams when I was looking for a simple black blouse for this skirt. I tried out alongside various items because I usually do this since it’s a waste of time to get undressed just for one blouse. :))
I love it because of its straight cut and those little ruffles hide all body imperfections. The top gives a touch of elegance with that transparent fabric. I accessorized it with yellow shoes from Zara and golden bag. By the way, it is such a cute little bag but it actually annoys me because its lack of space.
E frumoasa rochita, insa clutch-ul – e superb!
You look great :*
The straight cut and the little ruffles make the dress more unique.Can't agree more.But I think the lace on the top make it better,not monotony more elegant.
Anyway, nice dress, it's perfect on you.
Amazing look! Loving the colour game between the dress and the shoes, gorgeous!
Have a lovely day,
Le Style et Moi
You look good
Nice dress dear
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Eu in poze o vad albastra, dar oricum, e foarte frumoasa, e un model deosebit, si te prinde bine. 🙂
Sa ai o zi frumoasa!
Xoxo, Victoria
Modelul rochitei este deosebit, cred ca le avantajeaza pe cele slabute, ca tine. Ai dreptate, o rochie neagra este obligatorie in garderoba, te scoate din orice impas vestimentar.