M-am intors din vacanta cu forte proaspete…sau ma rog…asa ar fi trebuit…de fapt m-am intors cu si mai mare dor de vacanta. Ce-i drept m-am relaxat. Am fost in Thassos-Grecia, o insula aproape de Romania si evident plina de romani. Credeam ca cei mai multi romani sunt in Paralia Katerini am constatat ca in Thassos sunt si mai multi. Dar asta nu mi-a afectat vacanta in mod negativ, nu am plecat in Grecia sa scap de romani, ci pentru ca este o tara superba, un loc de relaxare minunat. Probabil ati vazut si in fotografiile postate de mine pe facebook…este Raiul pe pamant, am spus-o de la prima vizita din Grecia si o sustin in continuare. Tinutele mele de vacanta au fost mai mult casual, am avut si fustite la mine dar le-am purtat mai mult seara. Bluzita pe care ati vazut-o AICI intr-o tinuta eleganta a fost perfecta pentru pantalonii scurti de blugi, si alaturi de sandalele joase au format o tinuta casual numai buna pentru plaja. Palaria a fost nelipsita…cu problemele mele cu soarele m-as fi intors dalmatian fara ea. :)) Voi ce tinute preferati la plaja?
Nu uitati de Flash Tattoo Giveaway.
Si voi puteti primi un set, pretul lor este de 29,99$ dar puteti achita doar transportul in valoare de 3.99$ daca va faceti cont pe site. Mai multe detalii despre Giveaway gasiti AICI.
I came back from vacation fresh and ready….hmmm…actually not really…I still want more vacation. Although It was a relaxing time it seems like is never enough. I was in Thassos -Greece, an island near Romania,and obviously it was full of Romanians. My impression was that you could find many Romanians in Paralia Katerini but it seems that also Thassos in very popular. But this detail didn’t affect my vacation because I didn’t left Romania to be away from Romanian people but because I really love Greece. Since I was there for the first time I said that it is Paradise on Earth and I didn’t change my impression since. My vacation outfits were very comfy, I had also elegant clothes but I wear it especially on the evening. This yellow blouse you already saw it HERE in an elegant outfit, but this time it was perfect for the beach with short jeans and flat sandals. The hat was mandatory to keep the sun away from my face. What do you prefer to wear on the beach?
Don’t forget about Flash Tattoo Giveaway. You could also receive a set if you became a member.
The set includes 4 flash tattoos and you only need to cover the international shipping fee of USD$3.99
Love the outfit and the tattoo!
so nice! ; >
new post
superba vacanta! arati minunat! te pupp
We love you outfit ! Kisses
Wonderful look!
Have a lovely week 🙂
You look wonderful, beautifully 🙂
arati super!
a fost minunata vacanta 🙂
Great styling
Ce camasa frumoaaaaasa ai!!! Imi place!
Nu-ti mai zic ca m-ai omorat cu pozeele tale din vacanta! Eu am fost in Corfu…mi-a placut…au o tara frumoasa grecii! 🙂
Pupici si welcome back!
You look amazing dear!
Please click on the link on my post
Arati superb,imi place mult tinuta! Nu am ajuns in Grecia,dar imi doresc foarte tare,poate anul viitor voi reusi:) Pupici
Love the yellow
check out my newest post
Perfect look! Amazing bag!))
Добро пожаловать>Baby’s On Fire Blog
Nice look, love the tatoo!
Zapatos Rojos
Un felice fine settimana per te…ciao.
love your blog! 🙂
Lovely look, I love yellow blouse!!!
I'm following you on gfc, hope you'll follow back so we can keep in touch!!!
My Golden Glitter Corner ♥
Love the colors depicted here! Seriously great yellow shirt and the nail color. Your bag is also very cute 🙂
I'm blogging about similar things, check it out and let me know what you think:
You look so nice!
Imi place la nebunie aerul de vacanta transmis prin aceste fotografii! Te imbratisez!
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡