Lately, the weather hasn’t allowed me to photograph outfits, but Spring is coming soon and I hope that the situation will change. For today I have an outfit that amuses me somewhat because it brings something with the mob wives trend, especially because of the fur collar. The outfit is actually all black, brightened by the coat from ZARA that I wore very often this winter. You know the skirt from older posts, I think I’ve had it for more than 5 years and each time I wore it with over-the-knee boots. All this time I felt that it was too small, then too big, depending on how my figure evolved +-5kg :)), now it’s only good for me and I hope it will soon become too big. The blouse is still a favorite this winter along with a pencil skirt that I will probably wear in the next posts. I’ve had the boots for several years because it’s hard to find something new that meets all my criteria of neither too less nor too much :)).
The accessories, i.e. the bag, the glasses and the watch, are Michael Kors, of which I am a fan, you know.
What have you done lately? Are you happy that spring is coming?
RO In ultimul timp vremea nu mi-a mai permis sa fotografiez tinute insa vine in curand primavara si sper ca situatia sa se schimbe. Pentru astazi am o tinuta care ma amuya oarecum pentru ca aduce oarecum cu trendul mob wives, mai ales datorita gulerului de blana. Tinuta este de fapt una all black, scoasa la lumina de haina crem de la ZARA pe care am cam purtat-o iarna asta. Fusta o stiti din postari mai vechi, cred ca o am de mai mult de 5 ani si de fiecare data am purtat-o cu cizme peste genunchi. In tot acest rastimp am simtit ca este prea mica, apoi prea mare, in functie de cum a evoluat silueta mea+-5kg : )), acum imi este numai buna si sper sa devina in curand prea mare. Bluza este tot o preferata a acestei ierni alaturi de o fusta creion pe care probabil o sa o port in postarile urmatoare. Cizmele le am si pe ele de cativa ani pentru ca e greu sa gasesc ceva nou care sa intruneasca toate criteriile mele de nici prea prea, nici foarte foarte :)).
Accesoriile, adica geanta, ochelarii si ceasul sunt Michael Kors al carui fan sunt, se stie.
Voi ce ati mai facut? Va bucurati ca se apropie primavara?
Pullover-Patrizia Pepe
Bag-Michael Kors