Ro In momentul publicarii acestei tinute, deja a venit vara si in Viena ba chiar a venit canicula si o astfel de rochie nu mai poate fi purtata, insa cu cateva zile inainte, cand erau in jur de 20-25 de grade, aceasta rochie era ideala pentru o asemenea vreme. Am luat-o anul trecut de la Zara si nu am avut ocazia sa o port. Mi-a placut materialul si imprimeul si am trecut peste faptul ca rochiile lungi nu sunt chiar pe gustul meu. In plus vreau sa ii aduc o imbunatatire pentru ca momentan are spatele aproape gol, se leaga sus cu un siret dar are vedere la spate :)). Pantofii sport au devenit nelipsiti din tinutele mele in ultimul timp si i-am luat chiar si la aceasta rochie eleganta.
Cam atat despre tinuta de astazi, suntem in plin sezon al tinutelor de vara, sa inceapa distractia!
En At the time of publishing this outfit, summer has already arrived and in Vienna even the heat wave has arrived and such a dress can no longer be worn, but a few days before, when it was around 20-25 degrees, this dress was ideal for such a time. I got it last year from Zara and I didn’t have the opportunity to wear it. I liked the material and the print and got over the fact that long dresses are not really to my taste. In addition, I want to bring an improvement to it because at the moment its back is almost bare, it ties up with a lace but it has a view of the back :)). Sports shoes have become indispensable in my outfits lately and I even wore them with this elegant dress.
That’s it for today’s outfit, we’re in full summer outfit season, let the fun begin!
Shoes-Jimmy Choo
Bag-Michael Kors