RO Daca ati fost prin magazine in ultimul timp, ati observat care sunt culorile toamnei. Sunt acele culori triste si reci precum toamna intr-o zi ploioasa. Ce-i drept, nu imi plac si nu sunt un fan al acestor culori, insa sunt zile in care le aleg, desi va rog sa remarcati rozul de pe esarfa.
Ce-i drept nu este o tinuta gandita cu mult timp inainte. Initial, alta era tinuta la care ma gandisem pentru aceasta iesire, insa, din lipsa de timp, a trebuit sa adaptez si am ajuns la aceasta tinuta. Fusta, desi imi place foarte mult, am purtat-o destul de rar, la fel si in cazul bluzei. Pe de alta parte, haina am purtat-o foarte mult si este una dintre preferatele mele. Ghetele sunt noi insa imi cumpar cam acelasi model in fiecare an, din piele intoarsa, scurte si maro-crem.
Voua va plac culorile toamnei sau le purtati doar in zilele cand nu aveti alta inspiratie?
If you’ve been to the shops lately, you’ve noticed what the fall colors are. They are those sad and cold colors like autumn on a rainy day. I have to admit, I don’t like and am not a fan of these colors, but there are days when I choose them, although please notice the pink on the scarf.
This is not an outfit thought out long before. Initially, I was thinking of a different outfit for this outing, but due to lack of time, I had to adapt and ended up with this outfit. The skirt, although I like it very much, I have worn it quite rarely, as well as the blouse. On the other hand, I wore the coat a lot and it is one of my favorites. The boots are new, but I buy the same model every year, made of suede, short and the color is mainly brown-cream.
Do you like autumn colors or do you only wear them on days when you have no other inspiration?
Bag-Michael Kors