*English version below
RO Acum cativa ani eram innebunita dupa culoarea verde dar in ultimul timp nu m-a mai atras asa de tare, asta pana cand am vazut aceasta rochie pe LILACOCO Imi place pentru ca este versatila, materialul este 95% din bumbac si poate fi usor adaptata atat unei tnute elegante cat si uneia casual. Astazi am ales o tinuta eleganta pe care am pus-o in valoare printr-o curea neagra cu pietricele atasate si cercei aurii. Fara curea si cercei poate fi purtata cu pantofi sport si se transforma astfel intr-o tinuta casual. Pretul rochiei este de 27,90 $ si aveti transport gratuit pentru comanda mai mare de 50$.
Pe LILACOCO gasiti diferite modele de rochii de vara la reducere si aveti un procent de 10% reducere in cazul in care sunteti un nou client.
Ce parere aveti despre aceasta rochie? Ati comanda-o sau nu?
EN Few years ago I was so in love with Green but lately I didn’t feel so attracted to it until I saw this dress on LILACOCO. I like it that it is so versatile, the fabric is 95% cotton and can be easily adapted in a elegant or casual outfit. Today I am wearing an elegant outfit highlighted by a precious black belt and golden earrings. Without belt and earrings you can add some sporty shoes and you have a casual dress and outfit. The price for the dress is $27.90USD and you have free shipping for orders over $50USD.
On LILACOCO you can find different kind of summer of dresses on sales, and you have 10% off for new users as well.
What do you think about this dress? Would you consider ordering it?
Looking gorgeous in that green dress! 🙂
YouTube | Blog: Geekette in High Heels | Instagram
Super cute in that green dress! 🙂
YouTube | Blog: Geekette in High Heels | Instagram