RO Am observat ca tinerele din ziua de azi au renuntat la fustite si rochite. Mergand prin centrul orasului Tg jiu (unde am facut si fotografiile pentru aceasta postare) am constatat ca piesa de rezistenta a verii sunt pantalonii scurti, in special cei de blugi. Intr-adevar sunt foarte comozi, si eu am o pereche si o port de cele mai multe ori la plaja, dar fustitele si rochitele sunt mult mai feminine, sunt vesele, optimiste si dragalase. Tocmai de aceea eu am ales un outfit inflorat. Fustita este plina de flori, pe un fundal negru asa cum imi place mie. Lungimea este rezonabila pentru a putea fi purtata si la birou iar croiala este destul de ampla pentru a-i da volum. Initial am vrut sa imi prind floarea rosie in par dar apoi mi-am prins-o in piept.
Fustita o gasiti pe TWINKLE DEALS la un pret bun si cu livrare gratuita.
EN I noticed that girls doesn’t wear skirts and dresses anymore. Walking around the center of Tg Jiu I saw that shorts are very popular, especially the jeans one. I also have such a pair of jeans and I wear it especially on the beach but the skirts and the dresses are more feminine, very optimistic and cute. That is why I chose this floral outfit. The skirts has all sort of flowers on a black background just the way I like it. The length is medium, it can also be part of an office outfit and the cut is large which gives a lot of volume. The red flower that I added to the outfit it was meant to be placed in my hair but I changed my mind. The skirt you can find it on TWINKLE DEALS at a good price and with free shipping world wide.
Fustita o gasiti pe TWINKLE DEALS la un pret bun si cu livrare gratuita.
EN I noticed that girls doesn’t wear skirts and dresses anymore. Walking around the center of Tg Jiu I saw that shorts are very popular, especially the jeans one. I also have such a pair of jeans and I wear it especially on the beach but the skirts and the dresses are more feminine, very optimistic and cute. That is why I chose this floral outfit. The skirts has all sort of flowers on a black background just the way I like it. The length is medium, it can also be part of an office outfit and the cut is large which gives a lot of volume. The red flower that I added to the outfit it was meant to be placed in my hair but I changed my mind. The skirt you can find it on TWINKLE DEALS at a good price and with free shipping world wide.
da, din pacate poarta toata lumea pantaloni scurti si etaleaza toate imperfectiunile, naspa. imi place tare mult fusta ! si brosa floare e asortata minunat! te iubesc
Thank you so much for visiting my blog!
Followed you back! x
such a pretty outfit! loving your skirt!
O tinuta perfecta pentru aceste zile calduroase,imi place mult fustita 🙂 Pupici
lovely look!, amazing shoes! 🙂
You look amazing dear!
O fusta tare draguta! Nu intelege de ce cand vara e atat de scurta nu porti cat mai mult fuste/rochii/sandale? Am vazut si cu adidasi din aia cu tocul mascat pe la 33 de grade. Horror!! Nici cand eram mai tanara nu purtam vara blugi si tenisi/adidasi.
Wow! I love this big red flower 🙂 You just reminded me, that I have exactly the same 🙂 Need to find it!
so sweet :0))
new post
ce draguta e fustita, imi place imprimeul. .. Asortata cu maieul simplu arata foarte bine
Look amazing
Beutiful flower.
Have a nice day
I love your skirts! SO cute!
great post 🙂 Have a nice day!
este tare draguta fustita!
beautiful skirt ! kisses :**
Beautiful shoes !
Love your outfit <3
f4f in gfc/g+/bloglovin/lookbook just inform me
Love your casual and fashion look!!
Zapatos Rojos
I think this is a very possitive post, we should embrace our femininity as our strenght, it is not a weakness and is lovely!
This skirt is really preatty 🙂 x
EU port fuste…rochiite! Dar si blugii scurti sunt geniali! Atat cu tocuri, cu sandale sau cu tenisi…toate combinatiile sunt minunate! <3
Frumoasa fusta ta!
Hi dear and thank you for your visit! I like very much this outfit, especially your beautiful skirt! Floral is a trend that I love so much. Have a nice day, kisses,
Eniwhere Fashion
Eniwhere Fashion Facebook
Such a pretty outfit my dear! x
The Belle Narrative
Beautiful shoes!! Very nice look!
Multumesc…am observat ca porti rochite, bravooo :*
Mda, din pacate asa este nici eu nu inteleg de ce sunt neglijate fustitele…
Multumesc :*
Multumesc :*
Multumesc :*
Multumesc draga mea…si eu te iubesc :*
Thank you!