Materialul fustitei este din neopreon, de aceea sta asa infoiata. Avand experienta rochitei negre pe care v-am prezentat-o intr-o postare trecuta, m-a incantat inca un produs din acest material stiind ca se aseaza frumos, nu se sifoneaza si se simte placut pe piele.
Bluza este din bumbac, nu i-am adaugat nici un colier pentru ca o incarcam prea mult si isi pierdea din farmec. Iubesc rozul acesta prafuit, la fel cum iubesc si nuanta de baby blue al gecutei.
Geaca am ales-o marimea L de teama sa nu fie scurta la maneci si intr-adevar imi vine bine. Sunt si pe roz dar mi s-a parut ca as fi prea o bombonica daca iau si geaca roz, in schimb cele 2 culori vin bine impreuna.
Ce ziceti de tinuta mea de weekend?
EN I wanted to create a spring outfit and which colors can be better for that than powdery pink and baby blue?
Also white skirt with wild rose seems to be a good choice. Since it was a weekend outfit I gave up high heels and choose sneakers instead.
Skirt fabric is neoprene, it fits perfectly, it’s easy to maintain and I like how it feels on my skin.
The blouse is made from cotton and I chose not to add any accessory on it because is beautiful as it is. I love this powdery pink as I love the baby blue shade of the jacket.
The jacket is size L to make sure that it fits me well. You can also find it on powdery pink but since I already had the blouse pink I thought baby blue is a better choice for me.
What do you think? Do you like my weekend outfit?
Jacket-Style Moi
Blouse-Style Moi
Skirt-Style Moi
frumoasa tinuta., imi place in special fusta :D, e piesa de rezistenta in outfit
Imi place tare mult tinuta, fusta e tare simpatica iar gecuta are o nuanta adorabila! Lovely bombonica, cum zice Steluta :P.
Imi place teribil jacheta si trebuie sa recunosc ca trandafirul este o idee inedita pentru fusta.
I love everything in your outfit, its so girly and cute <3
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Suuuper faina tinuta! Comoda..lejera…faina!
absolut superb outfit! esti ca o bombonica,iti sta minunat! love,love!
Multumesc :*
Multumesc, da, intr-adevar fusta ii da asa un aer girlie 😉
:)) Multumesc Pup!
Multumesc :*
Multumesc! :*
You look amazing dear! Love that skirt
I fell in love with this ensemble! The soft pastel colors plus the details of the skirt's design 🙂 Totally love it! 🙂
Rica |
so nice photos!! 😉
i invite to me too
I loved this look dear !
You look wonderful, amazing. beautiful pictures
I love your style
super adidasi, imi plac <3, bine imi place orice fel de adidas :), imi place fusta, acel trandafiri ii da o nota aparte.
Iti sta super bine <3
Imi plac postarile tale. Pupici
Wonderful look kiss
Thank you!
Thank you!
Multumesc! :*
Thank you!
Thank you! 😉
Thank you!
Sure! 😉
Thank you!
Wonderful pastel look… the skirt's print is really awesome!
I really love your style. It's awesome. Now I don't want to miss any news from you. I'm definitely your reader. And, of course, it will be cool `if you read my blog as well!
I love the look. It's a great rose theme. The skirt is fabulous. It looks amazing!
Jessica |
Ce faina e fusta!
Amazing outfit dear! 🙂
Isa M., Tic Tac Living