RO Ideea initiala a fost de a face un ombre dar am constatat ca nu am suficiente nuante, asa ca au iesit bombonele si pentru ca nu putea lipsi putin sclipici l-am adaugat pe inelar. Din fericire m-am oprit la timp:)). Am vrut sa dau putina culoare acestui weekend mohorat si am reusit. 😀
EN The initial idea was to make ombre NOTD, but I noticed that I didn’t had enough shades to do that so I did it anyway with what I had. I added some glitter just for fun and this is the result. 🙂
EN The initial idea was to make ombre NOTD, but I noticed that I didn’t had enough shades to do that so I did it anyway with what I had. I added some glitter just for fun and this is the result. 🙂
Love the colour combination!
Love your nails 🙂
Amazing nails!
What lovely nails! T.
Loving the colours :))
nice!!= ]
very nice shades!
Inside and Outside Blog
P.S. would you like to follow each other?
Lvely shades and nails!